The Palace|online|Macintosh|-|The Palace is Ultra Game Players real-time chat engine. In conjunction with your Internet Service Provider, The Palace software allows you to chat and interact with other gamers in the Ultra Game Players palace. The Palace software provided on this disc is the shareware version of The Palace. You may use it freely to visit Ultra Game Players or any one of the hundreds of other Palace sites on the Net as a guest. To become a Palace member, please read the documentation included with the software for how to register. After running the installer, simply connect to your Internet Service Provider and double-click on the executable icon. Once launched select OPEN CONNECTION from the FILE menu in the menu bar. In the HOSTNAME field of the resulting dialog box enter: Leave the contents of all other fields as the defaults and click on the CONNECT button. You should then be connected via TCP/IP to the Ultra Game Players Palace. You should find yourself in the Ultra Game Players Welcome Room. There are a variety of rooms in The Palace where different gaming topics are discussed. There are scheduled conferences with industry figures and the UGP editorial staff. Be sure to check Ultra Game Players Online frequently for the schedule of events. To learn more about The Palace or receive technical support, please refer to: We look forward to seeing you there.|-|ULTRAGP\Online\The Palace\PalaceClientInstall 2.4|-|-
The Palace|online|PC|-|The Palace is Ultra Game Players real-time chat engine. In conjunction with your Internet Service Provider, The Palace software allows you to chat and interact with other gamers in the Ultra Game Players palace. The Palace software provided on this disc is the shareware version of The Palace. You may use it freely to visit Ultra Game Players or any one of the hundreds of other Palace sites on the Net as a guest. To become a Palace member, please read the documentation included with the software for how to register. After running the installer, simply connect to your Internet Service Provider and double-click on the executable icon. Once launched select OPEN CONNECTION from the FILE menu in the menu bar. In the HOSTNAME field of the resulting dialog box enter: Leave the contents of all other fields as the defaults and click on the CONNECT button. You should then be connected via TCP/IP to the Ultra Game Players Palace. You should find yourself in the Ultra Game Players Welcome Room. There are a variety of rooms in The Palace where different gaming topics are discussed. There are scheduled conferences with industry figures and the UGP editorial staff. Be sure to check Ultra Game Players Online frequently for the schedule of events. To learn more about The Palace or receive technical support, please refer to: We look forward to seeing you there.|-|PALACE32\setup.exe|-|-
Ultra Game Players Online|online|PC|websites\ultragp|Visit the ALL NEW Ultra Game Players Online! Click launch to visit the site for the top 20 games, daily updated news stories, and the gut bustingly funny Top Ten List!|-|-|-|-
The Imagine Games Network|online|PC|websites\imagine|The Imagine Games Netork is the largest gaming community on the Web today. Visit the core sites, UltraGP Online, Next Generation,, SaturnWorld and PSX Power, or visit any one of our affiliate sites for the best fan sites on the Net.|-|-|-|-
Ultra Game Players Online|online|Macintosh|websites:ultragp|Visit the ALL NEW Ultra Game Players Online! Click launch to visit the site for the top 20 games, daily updated news stories, and the gut bustingly funny Top Ten List!|-|-|-|-
The Imagine Games Network|online|Macintosh|websites:IMAGINE|The Imagine Games Netork is the largest gaming community on the Web today. Visit the core sites, UltraGP Online, Next Generation,, SaturnWorld and PSX Power, or visit any one of our affiliate sites for the best fan sites on the Net.|-|-|-|-